Thursday, September 13, 2012

So not a beanie baby! Found this in my studio this morning lying on its back on the floor. It is about 2 1/2 inches long so I am very glad it is so tame /shocked/ resting. Finally found a good use for the too-small crystal boxes! have written to the local bug lady to find out its name and if anyone wants to give it a good home. Other wise I will release it. The many cobwebs on the antenna tell me it was deep under the shelves shopping for gourmet foods.
Did finish the coral fish just minutes before Barbara arrived yesterday afternoon. We got everything decided quickly without much debate. Our minds are good on one track. I was so tired afterward I started on the jellyfish (how I felt) and then discovered I am almost out of the beads I wanted to use. Am wondering if I need a new method of displaying the pound bags so I can see at a glance when I am low on a bead kind / color. Bending over to scrounge through basket is too much bending. I might get my waistline back!