Yesterday was the meeting of Beads N' Beyond at Gualala Arts Center. What a gay time we had! One huge table was covered with beady things to give away, on a smaller table had our show n' tell items and all the rest of the room was filled with beaders - an even dozen.
Vicki had brought lots of materials for us to do the earrings 88S8 from Fire Mountain including the perferated backs to make pins. There was some momentary grumbling as we realized we would have to work with wire, but she had brought a fine enough guage that everyone could bend it to their will. Within the hour Sue, Grace, and Vicki had really a nice earring in the making.
A visitor, Barbara MacNaulty , came only to get help with restringing a gift that was too short, and had a too-tiny clasp. By the end of the meeting she was wearing her new necklace that was even more precious because she had added her work, ideas, and involvment.
Nell Susalla, who is visiting Sus and Harmony, came with bracelets she makes with her after-school kids in Michigan from old buttons. They were really special and I hope she comes by someday so we can design little beaded showcases for buttons her late husband had engraved with her initials.
Judy wanted to learn how to make the tree earrings I had in the Festival of Trees so we moved from the project of the day to learning the brick stitch in the round.
Marianne brought the left overs from the benefit Traveling Jewelry Exhibit and they were added to the give away table. She also brought us her necklace she had designed in collaboration with a lampwork artist she met through the competition at Bead Star. Maybe she will stop by here and add the names I did not get. She did a really great job in designing a new shape for a necklace. It gets photographed on Monday so we showered it with good wishes. It will be in the April issue of Stringing which will be on sale at our local supermarket. We can hardly wait!
Kathy did come after she got off work at the post office so I was able to give her necklace, bracelet and earrings. She was pleased, I think. She had tons of beads for the freebie table and I did a major raid on her things. Got several other treasures that I have not yet unpacked today.
During the meeting I remembered I had wanted to bring my camera to photograph the group. Howls and laughter greeted my regrets. They said they all still had "Christmas Bloat" and were glad the camera was missing.
Rhoda's 4-H group had sent us this charming hand-made card as thanks for all the beads we had given them last fall.

BTW All the left over beads we gave to Sandy Smith who is teaching beading to the kids at Point Arena School.