I love this one! I like the combination of polyclay and bling. But most of all I love those square beads.To me they look like books - books that are under pressure. When she was making these beads I wanted to make some myself like them but there were so many ideas swirling around the tables I never got to it. This reminds me of what I still want to try as soon as I get the polyclay out again. Remind me!

Those funny uterus things in black and gold are mine. It was an idea I tried in Carol Blackburn's Making Polymer Clay Beads on page 45. Also something I want to try again. I think I am talking myself into spreading out the polyclay stuff again.

This is the other image she sent today. A disc is promised with more. I would guess by the evenness of the fabric behind her beads, that this is fabric she wove herself. This photo is also a reminder to me that we used up all the red clay and I had better get off to the Sculpy Super Store to order more. The end of the economic crisis in the nation!