Marianne, here is the fish you bought and then let go at the meeting. I am very pleased with it so far. I quit working on it about 1 a.m. last night only because I feel there must be something that goes up in the middle of the back and was too tired to figure out what it should be. I had started the 'scales' using mother of pearl chips (good pun there!) with pearl beed dots but they were too yellow for the color of the real fish lure. So I cut those off and used these cats eyes chips. I had less than an inch of silver-lined AB 11s in a tube and thought this was an excellent way to use the last of them.

Here is the fish lure I started in the class on Saturday. The tail got too heavy and I tried to balance it with the bubbles from another embedded loop under the 'chin' but when the fish is suspended it is definitely in an upward leap. Then I realized that if when making it into a necklace, I could use fairly large beads on each side of the hanger loop it might make the fish look less like it is standing on its tail.
I liked the effect of the 'bubbles' under the gills! It made that hanging down part very different from the tail but using the alabaster Czech beads from Rhoda were not heavy enough to balance the tail.
We are having a beautiful spring day between storms so am eager to go off to Manchester to see if I can find some more lures and check out the daffodils blooming in the cemetery on Windy Hollow Road. There is a haiku in there somewhere. . .