The Beads N' Beyond group met at Gualala Arts Center on Saturday. Debbe Hull showed us how to make the "Ambassador" necklace as developed by helen dietz. She did a fabulous job of demonstrating, brought so many lovely lovely beads at incredible prices, and was so kind in helping us over the rough spots. Many bought and used Debbe's lampwork beads and I would love to show those, so any of you who have photos of your finished necklaces, please send them to me?
In the real "Ambassador" necklace, the strings holding the three parts are braided. While I had a mass of mismatched and left-over beads out for the embellishing, I put those on the strings instead of braiding. Also the braided strands have a knot behind the neck. I prefer to have the two strands unquoted so each wearer can adjust how long the various parts hang down.
This necklace fits in with my new campaign against findings and the fiddle they cause to add and to use, by making necklaces that are completely adjustable and use the drape of gravity to hold them in place. It was from seeing necklaces Debbe had done using helen's idea that inspired all the embellishing I have been doing in the last year.
Overheard at the meeting: Debbe Hull will be the featured artist in December at Just Beads. Go Debbe. Wow 'em!