Friday, January 30, 2015

I have this ready piece for the next show, "Small Works", at Gualala Arts Center next week. Werner liked the entry and has given me so much advice that he offered to deliver it on Tuesday. I am pleased that I got the idea of putting this creature, named "Portrait of my Neighbor," in a dolly dome display.  I am thinking that maybe I should be putting my beaded animals in one. They do make a size that would fit them for about $12. on Amazon.
I had the feeling that it was harder to see the piece in the dome so I snapped a close-up. I see that with domes I will have to set up a new photo background as the window, and my view from it, get into the picture. This photo might give the impression that I have gone back to beading, but that is not true. This work is about 2 years old.