Got the bear done yesterday just in time to catch the last rays of sunlight on him for a photograph. Had a few spots to fill in around the one leg, but positioned the bear so they didn't show and filled them in later in the evening.
Originally I had an oval of abalone shell bezeled on the forehead and it just did not look right. Perhaps the white 15s around it were the problem. I ripped it all out and started seeing what fit into the hole. To my surprise it was this 'jewel' I had ordered on line and when it arrived I stared at it wondering what I was on when I ordered THAT! Happily around the bezeled shell I had put a circle of green beads and they snuggled right up to the crystal so I got the change made without having to sew in anything. While I often had my doubts about doing this bear while working on it, now that it is done I am glad I did it. If the Etsy Beadweavers would let me enter two pieces in the April challenge of "Seed Beads" (they won't) I would enter this. The five crystals and underneath teddy bear would have been, I think, within the parameters of the contest. Maybe I will find some other place to show him off. Sorry B, I have no modesty, as you know!