Remember me telling you about making a necklace for the Happy Mango Beads 4th of July Contest? Well, to my surprise this was one of the winners!

After I sent off my entry I realized that Happy Mango does not sell seed beads and since that was the basis of my entry it was a lost cause. I never even haunted their web site for the posting because I thought I had no chance at all.
Then yesterday in the mail came this prize bag of beads! I found out they even had to make a category for me to have a win! I was very touched by that. And the fact that I even got this much of a win was a huge boost to the old ego. Already planning in my mind the necklace to make.
So it pays off to get excited about something, let it rev up the juices and just go with the flow - even when it is in the wrong direction! What a beautiful ending to a happy experience. Go to happymangobeads.com to see the winners and get some of your ideas for a new beadwork.
And thanks! Rhoda for the tip.