Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I had left a note on the "Self Portrait" entry in the Art in the Redwoods entry that they should call if they had trouble hanging it so it was no surprise Monday evening when Sue called to say they had found an excellent place for the piece in the foyer. However they were afraid that the loose beads on the flagstone would skitter around and be a hazard. It was her idea that I bring a bowl and put them in it. By morning I had the idea that the bowl sitting directly on the floor would not look right and got the new idea of placing it on a low pedestal.
Knowning how a show of this size (over 320 entries) absorbs pedestals, I took my own. But while standing around waiting on a ladder, they had hung the piece from one of the gold hooks instead of the silver one, I noticed a pile of pedestals and asked if these were the left-overs? They were. Probably because they were so short (who wants their work shown that close to the floor?) so within seconds we had this arrangement. The work hangs between two huge windows and it is in the very place where my fountain was shown several years ago that sold.
As Sue was attaching the label she caught a glimpse of my price ($250) and hissed her displeasure at my inability to price my work. Thank goodness she was too busy with others asking her advice on the other problems to give me the lecture.
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

I hope to get better photos of the piece wherever they hang it at GAC.
As you can see, I did find a place for all those starfish I could not stop making last month. Now I understand my fascination with them. See (I remind myself) those hunches and unexplained desires do have a final purpose and it is good to follow the muse even if one seems stuck in a tide pool.
Monday, August 1, 2011

A couple of years ago (when Michelle Obama became First Lady) I was on a kick to make brooches but gave up because my designs were either flowers or flower-centered or so wildly asymmetrical that they look more like a bead spill than a brooch design.
On Saturday, while waiting for Sheree (she was right on time; I was just very eager to see her) I made some samples using the new magatama beads. I was going to cut these short pieces up and recycle the magatamas but the cat had pushed two of them off the table which I could not reach without getting down on my hands and 'still very sore knee.'
On Sunday I was determined to make the bracelet Sheree had liked enough to make it her own. However, I was so jazzed I tried to make the swirl too high, too thick and the piece began to curl. I set it aside and made two more attempts to replicate the other bracelet (without looking; I was too lazy to get on the computer to check how it was made) - both of which failed. As I fingered the original 'error' it began to want to be sewed together, so I complied. About 11 o'clock, well past my time of reason, I began to idly hold the magatama samples against the failed bracelet and whoops - there was this brooch.