Got the fairy-angel done but it was too late in the evening for a sunny photograph. With the brightness of the face, the best way to photograph her could be in these light conditions.
On Thursday evening I started to bead the back side of the wings and it was not going well. I do not know if I was the problem or if the piece did not the wings to be double-sided with beads. In frustration I gave up and began to search through all my doll stuff as I knew somewhere I had an extra pair of ready-made angel wings. I tore stuff out of a closet AND a cupboard and never did find those wings. What I did find was this feather boa trim in white and in red! I was well-prepared! So I sewed, as you see, the red feathers to the backside of the wings and turned it around so the feathers surround the doll. I do like what the Universe wanted as it gives the softness I would prefer. The photo of the wings from the back was not sharp or I would show how great it all looks.
I sewed the suspension device where it seemed best, but when I hung her, I had the feeling she was tipped too far forward. I guess I should not plan to take her to PA today but need to keep her around a bit longer to get better acquainted.