All week the storms with so much wind and rain have been taking down trees so we are either losing the electricity or the cable connections each day. Last Sunday there was a break in the storms just long enough for me to get the big net down at Point Arena Gift Show and beg someone to carry it to the car.
The organizers of the show were very pleased with me because of the many sales at the end. For the last weekend I put on a one-price sale of $10 for everything which made the cashier happy and many friends and neighbors could have some of my work.
Some of the exhibitors were not so friendly as they avoided speaking to me. I think the total sales for the event were down and several barely got back the entry fee.
It took a whole day to untangle and reorganize the left overs, but it was a quiet task done by the stove with Christmas music playing.
Tuesday I have to pick up the Big Bead Bird at The Dolphin and then the season of craft shows will be done. I am already working on my entry for the Fire Mountain Seed bead contest which closes in March instead of April. Always looking ahead, but still wanting to enjoy this special day. Thanks for reading my blog. Merry Christmas!