What a great class Mike gave us on polyclays! He is a very good glass artist, but he took things he knows from making glass canes to show us how to make polyclay canes. Super teacher Mike is, and the hints and helps he gave us were so much more than one gets from reading books!
I got to the class late because I started out so early. Thus I took the ridge road which is safer for me to drive than Highway One. As I flew by Bower Park I saw Judy with her stand at the flea market. So I turned around to see her. Yes, she knew of the class, but because we had changed the date, had forgotten it was today. Naturally we started to talk about the class and she came to the car to see the canes I had made. I had left them at home!
So I turned around, went back home to get them and ended up being 1/2 hour late to the class. The others were already into blending their colors and I, breathless and jagged from all the driving, simply could not get started. At some point I joined in with one of my error canes, but when I finally saw what the others made, I was sorry I had not made the effort to catch up with them and follow instructions.
I will see what I can remember and really try to do a proper rose cane today.