Yesterday all my online time/energy went into sending my submissions off to Fire Mountain for their contest. It took me nearly an hour to type in the item numbers and names of the beads. In addition to the "Great Pumpkin at the Return of the Ghost Mouse," I also sent this necklace because it is a 'jewelry-making' contest and though they kindly have a 'home decor' category, I wanted to send at least one thing someone could wear. I feel this necklace has merit because I did use my invention that stopped the spiral chain from spiraling (I love how it looks in red!) that I showed here last weeek. As far as I know no one else has ever done this stitch so that should help.
Also this work gave me a chance to show off the new origami papers I got in Japan last September. Just looking at the photo you might think the paper beads are fragile but they are not. They have been securely glued, stuffed with wool (it is easier to get a needle through than cotton balls) and then sprayed with several coats of acrylic.
Today I got the confirmation that my entries had been received. Now the waiting begins and I am back to covering fishing lures and more bottles.