The desire to diagram this took me down several interesting paths. One, I discovered how magical the peyote stitch is. That shifting back and forth on a line may be one of the reasons I have so much trouble with doing it. I even tried making this design with the brick stitch and it basically took all the life out of the piece. It became static and stiff and could not coil into the puff I admire so much. I did this scan of one half of a piece and even looking at this I could not get the diamonds to line up perfectly in the diagonal. I spent the whole afternoon in butchering the idea with one attempt after another. In the end I realized that my way of doing it, by stacking the beads of a color, was probably the best one.
By evening, when the fireworks in Point Arena started I was off learning to do a netted tube. Now to see if I wish to embellish it. As always with netting, I find doing it in two colors makes finding the common point easier to see.