Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I love how the two colors of loose beads in the bottom make it look as if there is water in the dirt! Then come strings of red and yellow beads with 'bumps' of big acrylic beads. Then I use the largest headpins I had to line up the greens for some very stiff grass. Fortunately I also had a packet of those plastic crimps, which I would never use on jewelry!, but found them to be excellent for this job.
I had to do the 'flower' things twice. The first time the wire (24 gauge) bent too much so on Christmas Eve we made a quick trip to a hardware store to get some 18 gauge. I used that as base with 6s strung on the wire and then wrapped 11s on very thin wires around them. I was going for more 'spring' in the springs, but that did not work out.
I felt I needed some sort of a base to the vase and went to S&B Market in Manchester - an all purpose store that sells hardware, clothes and groceries, where I found the perfect glass base (for candles?). Also in my last Fire Mountain order I bothered Vicki one day late to add on a pound of silver-lined 11s and they were just what I needed! So thankful to have everything the piece wanted to have!
It goes in the "You Be the Judge" show on Jan. 9th at Gualala Arts. I have no hope for winning a place (who knows how to judge a work made of beads?) but I greatly enjoyed the journey and the experience of accompanying this piece from sketch and on to its final official picture.
Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So I returned to the safety of the lariat necklace. One reason was finding a skein of the pink rhodonite and the pink glass circle. Notice that I am adding embellishment to the circle so there is more mass at that point. I had been feeling that the look was too skimpy around the circle. I am pleased with this addition. In the meantime I have misplaced the bag with the green circles and wooden squares. That alone may stop the lariats better than any resolution.

When I started the lariat above I used this combination. It looked to blingy for the subtle stones so I just cut it off. When I got the lariat done, and was clearing things away I found the scrap and laid it on my wrist. Nice bracelet! So I added more and put on one of the flower clasps I love and have so many. Maybe this is the next project - spiral chain beaded bracelets. Who knows?
Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stayed up way too late last night to get this done. I cannot believe how different my life is now that I am beading again! I also cannot understand how I went a whole month without beading. Here I used the new matt black 8s with some rainbow cobalt 11s that I had from another job. The lapis are from a strand of lapis and one of "denim lapis" that I picked out most of the gray junky beads. Will never again be misled by the neato name of "denim lapis" into buying inferior quality stones.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

beading was just too much! Couldn't concentrate, my hands shook, and nothing worked. Finally yesterday I tried some lizards but even so they are not really worth keeping! I have ideas and plans but so far the body is not doing its part. Onward and back to work.
Friday, October 30, 2009

A Finalist!

Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today is the first day in a long time that I woke up without a "to-do" list so my mind is frolicking around asking,"What do you want to do?" and here I am!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The pillar is installed and all the beads are still on it. Naturally it doesn't photograph well and also my hands were still shaking so there is a certain lack of professionalism in the shots.
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009
I love how a piece makes itself. When I first thought of hanging the beaded strands, I knew I wanted them to descend from a hoop. My eyes fell on a dreamcatcher Clemens and Valerie had made for me many years ago. Then I thought maybe I needed a 'real' dreamcatcher and called Linda Reno to buy one of hers. All week I have called trying to make an appointment with her to come by and she did not return my calls! Then I went to Manchester to look for a wire ring and in the kitchen equipment I found this device for roasting a chicken on a bottle of beer! Perfect shape! Perfect size! When I got home it fit exactly over the dreamcatcher the kids had made. Then while moving a screen, I evidently bumped it and it fell on the floor. Now I definitely felt it wanted to be in the work. So the kitchen device makes the rim strong enough AND has a top for hanging.
Also, several months ago I had ordered some brass bells from Fire Mountain not because I had a purpose for them but only because I liked them. Later then the price went down in the next catalog and I ordered them again. Yesterday I found out I had just as many bells as beaded strands. This is the exciting part of making something! Watching the Universe work with me. Blessed be!
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I was thinking that necklaces are like snapshots in time. They pull together and save diverse elements of one day. By stringing the beads they are tied together and time stops.

This is a sample of the kind of necklace Debbe used to teach. She made booklets to explain each step and sold the kits on line under the name of Hula Moon Glass.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The other day the Oriental Trading Co. catalog arrived with a kit for making earrings that consisted of a "wing" and a "tulip" bead (just that and a hook for $1 each. I had those beads and several more and began making earrings! Usually I hate to make earrings because it is so hard for me to make two things exactly the same, but this I could do. I made so many set (about 50) that I ran out of earring hooks. Sorry the photo is not better. I am eager to get off the computer and back to beading!