Stayed up way too late last night to get this done. I cannot believe how different my life is now that I am beading again! I also cannot understand how I went a whole month without beading. Here I used the new matt black 8s with some rainbow cobalt 11s that I had from another job. The lapis are from a strand of lapis and one of "denim lapis" that I picked out most of the gray junky beads. Will never again be misled by the neato name of "denim lapis" into buying inferior quality stones.
Before I went to bed I had to start a new necklace in this style with the glass chips I had left from the job that the lady cancelled because I did not have her necklace done by her deadline which I never knew about. Nothing lost, but somehow just seeing the job on my desk nags at me, so I thought I would make up the beads and get them and out of my life and get on with things. In spite of everything I am enjoying working with the sparkle of the glass chips.
Sent an order off to Fire Mountain and got lots of their promotional chip strands. Not all the beads on these are usable but enough are to still make this a good deal. Also these necklaces take more than one strand so it is great having plenty.
I just measured and these necklaces are five feet long - big enough to also be a belt! Love this design.