Above you can see the whole work and then a closeup. The job was to fill the viewfinder with as many beads, as large as possible. The space is so beautiful and part of the elegance of the beadwork is its long narrowness but that makes it very hard to photograph its complete length.
While talking with Karen at the desk, open during the holidays! thanks for being there Karen! she suggested that I enter the work in the coming show, "You Be the Judge" so I reread the rules this morning. Just sent her an email asking her to enter it. I gave the hanging committee an out in case they are tired of the piece and just want it down. I also changed the price to NFS since I have a nibble of interest from very nice people.
I did take the time yesterday to readjust the bells so they are again just brushing the floor. Someone, with a kind heart, added knots so the bells were higher and perhaps safer but the danger is part of the work.
In the evening I did finish the golden argonite lariat necklace and started a new one. These chips are larger, and therefore heavier, than the glass chips so I am trying to make this next necklace lighter by shortening the chip parts. We will see.