I had made a pair of earrings as a commission with the white Zirconian teardrops that were to be sent to Scotland as a Christmas present. Because of my reduced activities (ahem!) I tried to include them with the other things being sent to the Festival of Trees. Accidentally the earrings were sold there instead of being given to the right person. So she called and asked if I would make another pair for a birthday present. I couldn't get another set of the Zirconian drops in time so I tried making the earrings with these whopper faceted teardrops from Swarovski. I really like these! They have the weight and mass of current jewelry fashions! Now to talk my customer into liking them.

I told myself I had been making too many of the lariat necklaces and that I was surely boring anyone who was following this blog. Before the operation I had been laying out bracelet combos but had never gotten any of them assembled. When I started to put together what I already had designed they no longer interested me. Instead this happened! And then I did four more bracelets - all which are going to be recycled without you seeing them. I love this about beads! There are no real failures - just reconfigurations!

So I returned to the safety of the lariat necklace. One reason was finding a skein of the pink rhodonite and the pink glass circle. Notice that I am adding embellishment to the circle so there is more mass at that point. I had been feeling that the look was too skimpy around the circle. I am pleased with this addition. In the meantime I have misplaced the bag with the green circles and wooden squares. That alone may stop the lariats better than any resolution.

When I started the lariat above I used this combination. It looked to blingy for the subtle stones so I just cut it off. When I got the lariat done, and was clearing things away I found the scrap and laid it on my wrist. Nice bracelet! So I added more and put on one of the flower clasps I love and have so many. Maybe this is the next project - spiral chain beaded bracelets. Who knows?