Photos from the Open Studio held on October 9, 10, 11. We did very well! All three days were busy. Saturday brought more lookers than buyers but Sunday and the commissions made up for that. The weather was supposed to be sunny, but the storm that arrived on Monday was already making clouds. At least it was dry and folks could get in and out of their cars without getting wet.

This is Rhoda
Teplow with her pieces using many African trade beads. She had a harder sell since her actual beads cost more than the glass beads, so her prices had to be higher. Many said my prices were too low, but glass beads allow me to try many new things and then sell the
experiments for reasonable prices.

The Independent Coast Observer, local weekly paper, carried an item about the Christmas scene win at Fire Mountain, and I was surprised how many people came in the door asking to see the work. A lady even came back on Monday with her camera to take a photo of it.
What sold the best for me? All my polyclay Halloween pumpkins went early and I could surely have sold earrings like I wore if I had had more. All the lizards (except the pink one) sold and I got orders for 5 more. Got a couple orders for necklaces in colors other than the ones I had. Another lady came back on Monday so we could design a necklace for her sister in London in mauve. I enjoyed that!
Many liked the spiral stitched adjustable necklaces and things with the Cubic Zirconia drops on them went quickly. Even the earrings at $30 all sold.
All in all the experience was good. We did lack light because the big florescent light went out and even new bulbs did not bring it back. We tried putting up all the spare lamps in the house. If the big doors had been open light would have been okay, but I have to do something about lights in the studio now. Did agree to be in the Christmas show in Point Arena in December.