I never name my jewelry pieces (maybe I should start?) but this necklace has such unusual colors that I kept thinking of "Kelp at Low-tide" while I worked on it. Have even thought of adding a tag with the title. The colors of the beads do not show up at all here so the title is not so necessary.
Also, I could not believe that I was making another one of these since it seems they do not sell! But I really like doing them and I love the newest idea of adding more dangles on the circle, so I have just started another one using the golden aragonite chips. Love the colors - warm pink golds - but realized I have made several other necklaces with these same beads. That's what happens when one buys the beads by the pound!
Am also thinking of getting my account at Etsy up and working. Finished another round with the Circus Forever book today and am feeling somewhat freer, but I know that next week I must begin LYNX.
Maybe I will let all the many clasps Bambi sent me for Christmas lead me into bracelets. I dislike bracelets because they are so quickly done and all too-soon I am fussing with findings. We will see what the afternoon brings!