Last week I brought in my baskets of beads for stringing and put them on my desk hoping that the increased comfort of the indoor studio would get me started on making new necklaces. However, on Friday Rhoda returned this necklace which I had donated to a fundraiser for the Mendocino Music Festival.
I had kept thinking of the necklace and at times wishing I had not given it away because it is a good example of what I want to make. Yet, when it came back with Rhoda's note that it did not get one single bid I was seriously depressed. Even Rhoda's telling me that her necklace also did not get a bid and that art in general was not taken did not soften the blow.
Result? I am back to crocheting bead bracelets again. I refuse to even show them to you as they are all looking alike! Have got to try something new or screw up my courage to go back to stringing beads to make new necklaces that are not quite as big and heavy as this one.