While waiting on the missing white beads from Fire Mountain I worked on the animals planned to be around the snowman. I see the blue of my Russian Blue cat scanned a bit more blue and less gray than I had hoped. I will have to assume that the brightness of the snow is the problem and not the fact that in all my beads I had no good 'cat' color. Also I wanted a gray-brown for the rabbit but had to use white. What you cannot see are the tiny colored lights on each of the white beads. That came from 11s in clear with an AB finish. It is only the whiteness of the cotton stuffing that makes him so appear so white.
Yes, I know the mouse is golden. His head started out to be a cat head and was too small and the nose too-pointed. Still the gold was a little too much for the cat but I like the idea of a small golden mouse that will peek around from the back of the snowman. I have the feeling he could be the hero of a story. . .