That's a family portrait - all the Pendragon cuffs. As I put the stuff away and glanced at the magazine I saw that I had made the points one bead larger than the instructions indicated. I remember counting the number of beads in the diagram, but somehow my brain, the delightful dyslexic part of it, changed the number. Now that I discovered that I should go back and experiment with the sizes of beads in a point. Maybe I could get a better relationship with the large magmas if I increased the base size of the points.
Last night I tried (several times - the antibiotic for the cold affects my bead-brain) to make and embellished bead I saw in the latest Beadwork magazine. So far the thing is not looking very good. Perhaps because I am substituting the beads I have for the crystals that I do not have. I did order a bunch for the class at our next beading on Saturday and will surely have leftovers. Maybe I should put this project aside until I have the proper beads? Lesson? Learn something? Me?