I have nothing to report except failures! Again and again I have tried to get the crochet thing to work. I always have so much very ugly thread showing! Tried, after reading more on the technique, to use yarn that 'filled' the bead (the fuzzy white thing) and that was even harder and did not look right either. I keep 'giving up,' putting the work away in a plastic bag and then hours later I will get it out to try again. A lot of my failures simply disappear with a tug of the thread so there are many more than are pictured here.
I continue to try to make a 12-bead crystal ball Sue showed me in the workshop, but I think I failed to get all the necessary information. I keep feeling that if I were smart enough I could figure it out myself. Maybe that class in trig that I skipped is needed here.
I was able to do the cabochon with the new idea of gluing it first to backing, but then I wanted to do what Erin had done on the necklace she was wearing at the class and I found myself out in a 'no-man's' land of inexperience. Nothing is lost and when I decide what to do with this, I can rip it out to the edge and finish it up right.
I saw the cabochon treatment of the "Enchanted Necklace" in the April / May Beadwork and thought that maybe I could make that. Just looking at the photo of the necklace part, I thought, "I'll bet that is herringbone, and I never really learned that." So I got out a book of stitches and made this practice piece of herringbone. I really like the way the stitch looks in the tube, but in the flat I felt too much of the thread showed.
So I got that to work and gleefully turned back to the "Enchanted Necklace" only to find out the necklace is crocheted! Back to square one. Am going to have to get help as I refuse to go back to just making the same old same old.