These are attempts to follow instructions for two very different kinds of beaded beads. Both are excellent in the magazines! One (lower right-hand) is based on a framework of a 'box' of beads made with the RAW (right angle weave) which is very interesting, again in the magazine! My technique is to follow the instructions as long as I can and when I am confronted with an idea or method I cannot follow, I let the magazine slip from my lap and began doing what I like with the beady thing.
The ones with the green crystals will get better today. Last night while unable to sleep I realized what I was doing wrong with the base structure and am eager to try once more. I had cleaned up my trays and put away all of these beads so will simply cut up the ugliest ones and reuse them. At the moment I am feeling hopeful!
I gave the best part of my day today to launching Circus Forever and packing up my entries for Fire Mountain finalists' judging. Was so exhausted I had to sleep for a couple of hours. But I got the job done and hope now I will feel less pressure. Now I can prepare my entry for the gemstone part of Fire Mountain's contests. It is due in Oregon by the first week of May.