Finally I learned something that would make into something instead a patch of failure! In Carol Huber Cypher's Mastering Beadwork I found a project called "Supple, Shiny, and Shapely Bracelet" that shows a modified Cellini spiral. I had to make some more modifications to add space for the leaves and the chips, but still the principle works and it is easy to remember what to do how. From this I see that there are many modifications one can make to the basic stitch so I am eager to try out other variations.
Am always on the look-out for ways to use the many chips I bought at Fire Mountain in their promotional.
The copper leaf bracelet came out long enough (when measured flat) but is thick so that when it curves around the wrist it needs to be a bit longer, so I added the extra loops. I was pleased with my idea of adding a leaf to each section. You can see the close-up at the top (thanks blogger for not letting me put the photos where I want them!).