That is Erin, in black, who was a former manager of Legendary Beads in Santa Rosa and Sudhlia Byrd, the present manager, who came to Gualala Arts Center on Saturday to teach us the "Tudor" bracelet.
Hard at work concentrating on getting it right is Marianne Baxter, in turquoise, and Judy Carr beside her. Sue and Bobbi, Vicki and I made up the rest of the class.

In only three hours Sudahlia had taught RAW to some of us, and the double needle embellishment to the rest of us and we had our bracelets mostly completed by the time we went home. In addition to teaching us this, the two marvelous ladies were full of ideas and shared so many tips.
I was especially grateful to Erin for the tip on how to start a crocheted beadwork - use a toothpick to keep the beginning from turning into a bunch of grapes. Am so eager to get to this today!
We got tips on materials - Sue brought Fireline for us to try - and extra instructions - how to make a ball bead of crystals as a button for the clasp (which I thought I understood and got home and found out I could goof it up in leisure). I have her hand-drawn instructions and am hoping that when I settle down from the weekend I can try again, after I get a chance to try out the crocheting.
It is so very different having a teacher in person helping one over the rough spots, stopping the error before it continues, and pointing out what needs to be ripped. I can see how one could get so many more skills when able to take a class. Fortunately both Sue and Erin love to travel and especially to come to Gualala, and they promised to come again. Vicki's Bed and Breakfast "The Secret Garden" gave them lodging for the night and the weather was beautiful. Thanks to the two of you for coming and for giving us so much help!