Now! I see that the head of the monkey tilts up higher and this position no longer works because one cannot see his eyes. Need to redo the set up so I am shooting down from above. I found, behind some books, that grape vine twig that was covered with cobwebs. I do not know what that has to do with a monkey but I loved this evidence of my bad housekeeping.
The summer sun comes in the window at such a sharp angle that I cannot get the background and the surface of the backdrop to light up at once. I think I will have to take it all down and reposition it for these two months of 'high summer.' Will probably find more cob webby stuff!
The summer sun comes in the window at such a sharp angle that I cannot get the background and the surface of the backdrop to light up at once. I think I will have to take it all down and reposition it for these two months of 'high summer.' Will probably find more cob webby stuff!