Finished the frog last night and immediately started in on the monkey. Sorry his nose got so smashed in the scanner. I felt so rich with my box of animals to chose from. I will admit, that in addition to loving this tiny being, I am also interested in finding one that is easier and faster to bead. So far they have all taken 5 - 7 days. I am still debating whether the 15s are a good choice (does the extra work makes the animal look that much better?) I felt the frog did not need the 15s on its hands and feet. I was almost tempted to dig out another frog and try it again with all 11s but my heart was captured by the monkey so the frog will have to wait. I did not realize, until I saw the bear-like beanie babies in the job lot I bought on Ebay that I have had one sitting on my computer for years. To hide the wires I had paired a little blue bear with a lion to sit just under my monitor. The BB is Issy the mascot for the Four Seasons Hotel in London and the lion is a Boyds animal. The Boyds animal has the very short 'fur' of the teenie beanie babies that works best. The regular sized beanie baby bears have 'fur' that is too deep to cover well with beads. I feel so lucky to have found these tiny animals that are so well made.