Friday, June 29, 2012

Finished the elephant Thursday and the sun was shining and there was enough afternoon left to photograph it but the Sony camera gave me only error messages. So I used the tiny Canon snapshot camera and got these images. It is not easy to capture in a photo what kind of animal this is. I did have a marvelous time embellishing the back but I suspect that ruins the 'read' of the animal. Maybe I need to be more sparing of the embellishment? I see I 'forgot' to add the 'earrings' - I suspect that when I got all this on, some level of taste inserted itself and I gave up the idea of adding more.
I loaded the camera's batteries, set it to the proper option, took off the lens cover and it worked perfectly just as the sun set. So I started the iguana and I love him! His head is so well-formed. Even the eyes are perfectly made. Went to bed happy and relaxed.