Sunday, while my computer was down with a virus and waiting on the local computer guru I set up the camera in the studio and tried again to get better photos. By the time I got to these bracelets the sun was in and out of clouds and only this one (crooked) set up had enough light. I used the automatic correction in photoshop and got this funny blue which made a nice contrast to the pink stones. I am thinking I need one of those diffuser cubes for photographing small objects. I think Marianne has the set up. I tried to email her and the message came back, so I am still on my own.

Honestly I have tried to stop making these, but I love them so much that I find my mind devising new options so I can keep making them. Lacking big balls in colors other than the blue, green and aqua of recycled glass I raided my cache of polyclay beads and found this pair.

This is my other attempt with making a big bead for the top. I scrunched up copper wire, wound it on a drinking straw, scrunched it some more and used it as a bead. I think I explained all this previously (the computer virus seems to have wiped my brain cells clean also!) but I am hoping this is a better photo and these copper wire beads are better made than the other example.