Anyhow, at lose ends I started a daisy chain because there some nice pearlized 11s that had fallen out of my new method of organizing beads - also a creative technique!
Anyhow, while boring myself with the daisies, Judy called to ask how to increase with the peyote stitch. I had an idea of how it was done, but she wanted to increase at the edge. I looked in several books and ended up finding the info I needed in the back of BeadWork in that handy appendix of how-tos. So after I gave her what help I could we started to chat and somehow we got on the subject of wind chimes and she said, "Wouldn't they make great earrings?" So I launched into this!

The earring to the right flipped up so you can see the underside of the bead cap and the ball I used as stopper for the clapper.

See, I did finish the fish I showed you yesterday. I was particularly happy with this tail! The bugles have the feeling of the 'ribs' in the tail of a fish. I mixed silver twisted ones with clear iridescent tubes. In the string of cats eye that I used on the body, they had included two tiny stars, so I saved them out for the tail. Need more lures! Off to search the net - the obvious place to find a fishing lure!