Still darting between clouds of fog I did manage to get this photo of the chicken. In a moment of sheer inspiration, I ran out to gather the grass. I was amazed how much life it added to the photo. Today the sun is really shining so I plan to see if I can make this photo any better.
I won an auction at Ebay so more animals are already on their way.
I am almost finished doing another entry for Fire Mountain. Again adding all the info from the catalog is driving me nuts. I can only do that mindless work so long. I have until Friday to get the entry in by email so I am hoping this cold / cough misery lets up before.
I am almost finished doing another entry for Fire Mountain. Again adding all the info from the catalog is driving me nuts. I can only do that mindless work so long. I have until Friday to get the entry in by email so I am hoping this cold / cough misery lets up before.