Okay, so the chicken is shy when it gets squashed into the scanner. At least you can see now all the colors and how they are working. I am pleased that when the wings are beaded they stand up more. Will have to finish beading the back end of the body to see if that tail will stand up. Have thought of adding a fall of fringe beading to make the tail look more realistic and to give it support so it doesn't lean to the left or right. By beading the legs vertically they already seem to get a lot more support. Had always envisioned the chicken straddling an egg to give it enough stability to stand. When I told the bead group about my idea to enter the chicken into the "Mystery" Challenge at Etsy, Judy said, "Which came first? the chicken or the egg?" which is a more of a mystery than "Why did the Chicken Cross the Road? which is actually a riddle. Are riddles mysteries? How much more will I get beaded today? I have a sore throat and feel a cold coming on. . .