I finished that last of the silver silver-lined 8s last night just as I finished the sections for the long branches. At the moment they feel done. The effect, I think, is like looking at a fountain - which is what was in my head when I started all of this. I do appreciate the places where the darkness of the branch starts and stops the illusion of water.
At the top I had started to add a white strip to the larger base branch and for some reason, stopped working on it and never finished zipping it up. Now today I see that I do not want the bright, light silver on that part. If I do anything beady up there, to work in the hanging device, it will beads with a matt finish and greenish blues in a medium shade.
Sue called to say she wanted to pick up some of the embellished fish for her class next week. I realized that many of my best ones were gone, so I used up the last bit of my energy to start a new fish in white and reds.