Arbel Shemesh, the Advertising Designer at Fire Mountain Gems and Beads, sent this copy of Make Jewelry to me because it has a full-page glossy ad with my "To Jane From Tarzan" necklace on page 11. It was fascinating to see how beads are shown in England. So many more faces! They really go for a fashion magazine look with Japanese-style typography. So much to read and absorb! My beading hours are going to be reduced while I check out all the web sites.
I was especially interested in a section on four aspiring jewelry designers. The big, bold look is alive and well with them! The pearl pieces on page 51 are super! That is all I need to raise my bill at Fire Mountain!Make Jewelry really covers all the bases with ideas for polyclay, felting, PMC and even wood carving on beads in addition to all the stringing ideas. As gift, each magazine comes with a packet of beads to jumpstart even the most hesitant. I am greatly impressed! Off to investigate a 'contest' they offer with prizes of products from their advertisers. Excellent idea! Energy seems to radiate from this magazine!
Now to see if I get emails from England asking for the flower pattern. In the past, every week or so brought requests from people across USA as the distribution of Bead Work progressed. I pass the pattern on for free and get over-paid in compliments and kindness.