Went back to Point Arena Saturday afternoon and added more items on to my net with Amanda's help. Lots of people in and out of the gallery with flowers everywhere. Lots of excitement and joy seeing old friends and just standing around chatting. This photo is kind of my inventory list that I refused to make up. I took several shots but they all had people standing in front of the display. Good news I figure. Had to ask Marita and Judy to step back for a moment.
Need to go back today to take it down. Will leave the net up for the Easter show in a couple of weeks. Plan to pin a sheet over the area and hope that acts as a space saver for the next show.

Got an email today from Sherry (Hi!) that one of my necklaces was on the back of
Beadwork and she wanted the pattern for it. I had no idea which one they were using so Sherry sent a scan of the magazine and I found out it was "To Jane from Tarzan" - it won a Judges' Award in the 2006 Art in the Redwoods show at Gualala. Am happy to share the 'pattern' but need a bit of time to write it up.
Today was my day for rewards. A local theater readers group wants to read my "Banana Skies" in September and that needed a lot of work. I updated all of Basho's haiku to use my translations. Some I had to redo!