Started to work on my entry for the BeadStar contest. I thought I had the work done and only needed to photograph the necklace - one of the few I have that is done only with stringing. However as I read the entry requirements, I found they want to see the whole piece on a white background 'with no props.' I assumed this means I cannot use the white leather busts and when I hung the piece on one, I found out it was too big - too long.
Got the idea of just pounding in two nails on the studio wall and hanging the work from them. Paint the roofing nails white? Hang a cloth over nails and wall? Everything I did looked really tacky. Then I got the idea of putting 'pegs' in the wall instead of nails. The bamboo skewers looked too thin. I upped the anty to chopsticks and they worked! Look really interesting. Now wish I had made sure they were level. . .
Looking at the photo this morning I see the above and am very unhappy with that string of seed beads going over the butterfly. I cannot believe I did that! Off to redo it today and am thinking that maybe I will make another necklace in this style to see if I can do it better. Am kind of excited about that.