When I went to town to take down the jewelry net at the Point Arena Holiday Store, I first went on to the S&B Market in Manchester andgot a wooden dowel to use for my tree. The only one they had in the size I wanted was broken so I took the two pieces and offered to pay for them, but the lady gave them to me. Good sign for the work.

Back in Point Arena, after a lovely ride through showers, I did take down my net, got lots of comments on it and a request from the show organizers to do it again for Valentine's day. The 50% off sale really worked as I only had about 25 items left. Originally there 172. I have not yet even looked into the cash envelope. Just knowing that many pieces found new homes was satisfaction enough for me. I will dig into the envelope though when I need to pay my next bead bill.
After a shower all I wanted to do was to get to work on redoing parts of the tree that did not fit the dowel.
My house was clean, the Christmas lights were on, and I beaded to my heart's content. Then I got out the autoharp and had myself a Merry little Solstice sing.