Okay, one day later. . . Ha!
Was working on a larger beaded piece and after only two days have discovered I need new engineering to make the piece work. On one hand I love solving problems with beading and on the other I hand I resent time spent building armatures to hold up the piece when I would rather be beading.
All the Santa earrings have sold in Point Arena and I am debating whether to make more. I saved the vials of beads I would need in one place so I would not have to search for them. I was surprised I did that because when I finished the last ones I told myself they were the last ones.
We will see what comes to hand tonight.
I read somewhere that Michele Obama wears and collects brooches, so it is guessed that brooches will be the big new fashion accessory this next year. Am off to Fire Mountain to order those holey forms.