The ladybug in all her black spots glory. I had intended them to be silver sequins but these square black beads fit so well I stomped on my sequin-madness and let her be herself. Do you think anyone will notice I cut off two of her legs? I hate doing those fiddly little things so let myself do an act of violence on a ladybug.
Then I started on the turtle just so I could put gold sequins on his back. I was not happy with the jade green AB 8s on his underside but I had nothing else in a large enough quantity to cover the whole side. However, here in the photo they do not look so bad. I am so often amazed how different the color of a bead will look in the evening and the next morning. I guess that is why they make those expensive lamps that have gotten such bad reviews on Amazon. I keep thinking of getting one and then the cost and the short life of the bulbs scares me off. This way dawn is its own surprise!