There is no picture today. Yesterday I finished up so many little jobs. Got the stars ready to take to the gallery, finished up the Christmas tree earrings and sent them off to Bethel AK, organized beads for the bead meeting, and finally started to prepare the Visiting Snowman to send to Fire Mountain.
If I were a true crafts person I would make a wooden base with spindle supports for the snowman and the tree but I am not. I felt that no matter how securely I sewed them to the snowy base, they would part company during transport or during their handling in the FM photo studio. I realized I had to find someway so a stranger could easily reassemble the work if I sent it in three separate parts. Originally I had left holes in the snow section so I could either make or hire someone to make a supporting base. Yesterday as I was sewing the holes shut I got the idea of beading in the word 'tree' and 'snowman' so it would be clear where they go. Looks very nice! I don't feel so bad about not having other skills.
I even got an idea how to make a 'snowdrift' with part at the base of the snowman and part on the snow surface so the snowman will have to be positioned perfectly for it to fit together. Today the whole thing is wrapped in a plastic bag so I can handle it without destroying the little animals already sewed down and looks like nothing at all.