I fussed and stupidly revisited old fears all night. I had begun to suspect that in my eagerness to bring lots of things to the CHAC gallery I broke my own rule and had taken them there. I could only see if this was so, if one or both were still unsold, on Friday when the gallery opened again. In the morning I was determined to confess and offer the lady a complete return of her money.
I actually woke early to get this job off my soul. Surprise! no Internet connection. Even after the cable company said they got their part of the problem fixed I had no connection. Many phone calls with instruction to do this or that did not help. They would have to send out a guy with a new modem on Thursday. I ached with the need to send out an email.
Only good news on this day. It was not my modem (saving $75) but the cable company's problem which they fixed and now my service is up to speed again. I immediately sent an email to the lady and offered to refund her money. I was so ashamed of my flakiness! To my surprise she said she really wanted the suncatchers and would accept substitutes.
Yesterday I could finally call Rose at the gallery and one suncatcher was still there. So I went in, took in the new batch of animals, and got the star-chain suncatcher on the right. I picked up the center one to send as apology and thank-you and then last night, using a photo taken from the Etsy site, duplicated the one on the left. So Linda, here are your suncatchers! I will pack them up over the weekend and Tuesday when we go to town, we will mail these off to you.
Only good news on this day. It was not my modem (saving $75) but the cable company's problem which they fixed and now my service is up to speed again. I immediately sent an email to the lady and offered to refund her money. I was so ashamed of my flakiness! To my surprise she said she really wanted the suncatchers and would accept substitutes.
Yesterday I could finally call Rose at the gallery and one suncatcher was still there. So I went in, took in the new batch of animals, and got the star-chain suncatcher on the right. I picked up the center one to send as apology and thank-you and then last night, using a photo taken from the Etsy site, duplicated the one on the left. So Linda, here are your suncatchers! I will pack them up over the weekend and Tuesday when we go to town, we will mail these off to you.