I have been trying various methods of getting the little heart in these to look right. Just as I was happy with the three pink seed beads (as the ones in the lower left hand side and upper right hand side) in this photo it looks as if I really need to keep it larger as is the one in the lower right side. In reality in that one the sides of the heart look choppy but already reduced by scanning, the heart looks much smoother. Hm I set out to post that I had finally made all the improvements I wanted for this design. Now I am back to the heart of the matter. I do delight in seeing how different the various shapes turn out even though I use the same pattern. I do have fat and lean days! Someone once told me that all art is self portraiture.
Barbara wrote to me of an experience she had in the Art Collective on the weekend where she was able to sell the one and only key chain (one of the fishing lures I got too lazy to make into another necklace) to a little boy. So now I thinking of how to make a tiny star in this pattern for a key chain. Also am thinking of making a tiny puff star. That should keep me happy as we ride out a fairly hefty rainstorm.