Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The work on the teddy bear goes on. Last night when a fellow artist heard on the phonewhat I was working there was a very long meaningful pause. I gave up trying to fit ceramic arms and legs to the body and now I am happy with the way the beads go on to the arms. They are so much easier to bead than the body because there is spare air all round it to wrangle the needle in and out. I have broken more needles than I care to admit.
Here I am working on the back. I want to establish 'pants' and need to do that before I can start the legs. I also found it easier to go back and forth across the back rather than up and down as I did the front - which explains the 'collar' that is as big as it is.
Vicki has already offered me a Beanie Baby she had received as a gift. I hear they are softer and much more flexible. That will either be harder or easier to do than this was. Vicki reminded me it was an email from Suzanne in our bead group with a web connection about another woman embroidering an animal. I quake to think there are two of us doing this!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Somewhere I got the idea of embroidering on old stuffed animals. I had this bear sitting among my tin box collection so I began on it. I cut the arms and legs off thinking it would be easy to manipulate around each piece and then sew the beast back together. Now that I am on the body, I am beginning to think of using dolly arms and legs (less beading!) and much more interesting! I doubt I will make a science of this project as getting the needle in and out of tight places is not easy! Often I have to go out a place not in my plan and then go back into the spot from another angle. Still this is keeping me off the street corners and gives me something to show to you.

Friday, March 23, 2012

I am probably cruisin' for a bruisin' but I sent off this project to the Kalmbach publishers of Bead & Button. After spending all that time making these two new stars and then photographing them on two different days (I am still not satisfied with my photos) I sent them off to see if they are interested in publishing this idea. They do have a marvelous method of submitting online which saves time and trouble and hopefully that will decrease the nervous investment. I was surprised how many beading magazines they publish. However I do subscribe to Bead & Button and feel most at home with their articles.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Have been making more of the puffed stars and thinking of offering the project to a bead magazine. Am waiting on a sunny day to photograph the samples I have made. Maybe tomorrow?
At the bead meeting Rhoda asked me for a pair of earrings using black cubic zirconium crystals and blue roses. The only blue roses I had were pale white light blue which did not look right. While looking through my crystal stash (never as big as I wish it was) I did find some fire-polished black rounds with a blue flash of finish. I see even the scanner caught some blue lights in the teardrop. These are my payment to Rhoda for taking me to bead meetings, carrying in my stuff, making sure I am secure and comfortable. Thanks Rhoda!

Friday, March 16, 2012

In reading the fine print of the Etsy April Challenge I found one cannot re-post an item already up for sale in the challenge, so I cannot use the stars. Thus I am using this panel idea of some years ago. I had almost forgotten what a joy these are to make - so peaceful! No findings to fiddle with, no wires to tame - just smooth beading with the changes programed in from the beginning.

I wish the pink was a bit more calm but I lose the bounce of the other colors when I try to tame it. Now want to do more, but need to get more Delicas. Think I have some in my coming Fire Mountain order that I will pick up tomorrow at the bead meeting.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I have been trying various methods of getting the little heart in these to look right. Just as I was happy with the three pink seed beads (as the ones in the lower left hand side and upper right hand side) in this photo it looks as if I really need to keep it larger as is the one in the lower right side. In reality in that one the sides of the heart look choppy but already reduced by scanning, the heart looks much smoother. Hm I set out to post that I had finally made all the improvements I wanted for this design. Now I am back to the heart of the matter. I do delight in seeing how different the various shapes turn out even though I use the same pattern. I do have fat and lean days! Someone once told me that all art is self portraiture.

Barbara wrote to me of an experience she had in the Art Collective on the weekend where she was able to sell the one and only key chain (one of the fishing lures I got too lazy to make into another necklace) to a little boy. So now I thinking of how to make a tiny star in this pattern for a key chain. Also am thinking of making a tiny puff star. That should keep me happy as we ride out a fairly hefty rainstorm.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Even though this is slightly fuzzy, it is my favorite photo from the opening on Friday. Barbara Fast and her husband, Norman, are the smiling couple. I was so tired from the event and the lead-in to it that I slept and beaded most of yesterday. After seeing how well the beaded star pins sold I am back to making them. Just realized that the next Etsy challenge is for a work done completely in seed beads. When I read that I thought, nothing I made has only seed beads in it. Then yesterday I realized these stars ARE only seed beads. I am trying to figure out how to make the little heart in the center better. My latest attempt is to use only three pink pearl beads.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The opening of the new gallery for the Coast Highway Art Collective was a huge success! Here you see Barbara Fast wedged between two very engaged visitors (in front of my net of beads). There were so many people we were often stacked back to belly, and still talking, smiling and nodding. Great food (as is the fame of openings in Point Arena), the wine flowed and everyone agreed that the place looks even better than before. The show had a breadth not evidenced for many years. A great mix of artists in such a warm and inviting atmosphere had a very special charm.
I feel hung over this morning (without the wine!) and have plans to put snapshots of the event up on the Coast Highway Art Collective website later - when I am recovered!
The necklace Barbara is wearing is the one with the sand dollar as you have seen here. The sand dollar must have worked because there were several sales. The first was Diane Cochran buying one of my beaded stars and immediately pinning it to her black velvet hat. Was so busy writing up the sale I forgot to photograph her.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So the last one in this series is this far done. Need to quit these big projects and get some more stars done for Etsy. I am not happy with the butterfly and the way it is attached. Am feeling that I will make some changes when I am feeling more settled.
Friday is the opening of the Coast Highway Art Collective and I already have enough butterflies inside of me let alone trying to attach them to a necklace.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I have been so occupied with work in, for and with the Coast Highway Art Collective that I forgot the good news I got on Friday. This necklace, titled "Destination Gualala" took First Place in the "Small Works" exhibit at Gualala Arts Center. What a big surprise! Already at the opening Bruce Jones gave me a check for $100. I am donating it back to Gualala Arts by designating it for a new category in the entries for Art in the Redwoods called - you guessed it! - Small Works. I feel this will give the beaders a better chance to shine in that great big show.
In the past we beaders have been up against the gold and silver smiths in Jewelry (rare is the judge who would pick glass beads and stones over precious metals). If we entered in the sculpture category we were up against big bronzes. Even if we entered the Glass category we were up against large stained glass windows. There was lots of interest in the "Small Works" show - they had 143 entries! - so I am hoping this success will carry over into Art in the Redwoods.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Here is Barbara Fast hanging my stars in the windows of the newly renovated Coast Highway Art Collective in Point Arena. That pink glow really captures the new feeling of the gallery - a warm friendly home for art. The opening reception is on Friday from 5 - 7 at 284 Main Street. Check out our new website too.

I went in yesterday to hang my things. I ordered the net online (a real fish net this time) and it was supposed be 9 foot long, however, it worked out perfectly. Just enough space to hang every thing I had prepared. The name label will go in the little circle to the left.
The gallery and garden are looking so great. All the hard work Barbara and Norman, Mike and Mary Rose put in the last month have made a huge difference! I am so happy to have the gallery up and going again.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

First snapshot of the newest embroidered necklace! If you look closely you can see the threads still hanging out the bottom. I wanted to see how this looks. . . To see if it should be finished! It is so weird and very large! Still, there is something about it that I like very much. It definitely needs some time to get used to this one! Much of my time is now going to getting the PR for the new Coast Highway Artists' Collective up and going. Barbara Fast has taken on opening the gallery again and yesterday I inventoried all the things I will take in. Today has gone to setting up the web site and making a brochure. It is amazing that no matter how tired I am, I must go bead to sew away all the images of the morning.