After I finished the entries for the Art in the Redwoods fine art exhibit - that opens next weekend - I finished up the other projects that were floating in the backwash. The top is one of the rope jobies I love to do when I need comfort and reliability. No experimenting, no finding something that does not work. Safe and easy; almost mindless.
The black circles are the napkin holders I had started to show Sheree. I hate starting crocheted bead tubes and I truly hate closing them into a circle. So this project gave me lots of practice with those parts and the red embellishments covered the places when the joints did not come out perfect.
I had brought all my beads from the studio into the house so I could start on some far-out necklaces Bambi could peddle for me in Aspen. Now it seems she might be moving to Flagstaff instead. I am hoping that I will soon be over this eternal tiredness from the pneumonia and have the energy to try something new.