This probably does not make much sense, but it is the work-in-progress. I've decided to use this crocheted purse to contain the many strings of beads for the piece I am calling it "Self Portrait."I see myself as a lumpy bag with beads spilling, dribbling, cascading out of me. What you cannot see is the string of white beads that will be nailed to the wall showing the length of my arm's reach horizontally and vertically. At the center will be this bag and the fall of beads.
I am almost finished stringing a huge candy jar of bead soup. At 85 inch intervals the strings are pulled into the bag through the holes. There they are looped through a metal ring. Then the hanging bead string is put into a plastic bag to keep it from tangling. Today I hope to be able to start pulling all the strings into the bag. That means sitting on the floor and keeping those many strands of beads in order- not my favorite job. But first I have to go clean the oven. Also not a favorite job. Company coming this week.