Yet today I am in a blur of exhaustion from the show, but it is a happy tiredness! We got so many compliments saying this was one of Gualala Arts better shows, that we could begin to believe it. The show is tight to its theme - dolls used to carry art statements - but the results are so varied and the works are new and unusual. Love how the shadow of the hand points to Shannon Shaea's doll with the video tummy.
No matter how tired I have been, the most pleasurable thing for me to do has been to bead on the pumpkin vines until my eyes close. A couple more leaves and I will be done with that one. I got the LED lights but they were too bright. As I was leaving the opening Art Dryer and I were discussing the problem and his wife Penny suggested I paint on them to darken them. I felt that as I walked away from one show I was already entering the work of the next project.