Thursday, January 27, 2011

When is Enough Enough?

I have one of the snowballs for the snowman's body done and the chest 1/2 done and am running out of beads so had to switch to other projects while I wait for the order to arrive.

Yesterday I got this far on the piece for the confrontational show. My material is not shocking but if the viewer gets the drift of my thinking it could be a case for assisted suicide. I feel I may have to do more to get the shock value up to speed. Thought about doing something with one of those big sex dolls. I saw "Lars and the Special Girl" the other night and then did some web searching for the newest and latest versions. Hmmmm.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rhoda stopped by on her way to the bead meeting. I got to hear of her bead shopping trips in Mexico and the marvelous visit to a town build on, by, and from a silver mine. Last night I dreamed of silver mines that contained the ready-made beads and necklaces hanging from the walls of rock. As I strained to remember the designs a spot of light would appear on the piece that blotted it from my view. Either I am not supposed to be making jewelry or I should not be copying Mexican designs!
I am safe. Did get the head of the snowman done. Started on the top hat.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

So the snowman begins! I wanted to start with the head and I had the two acrylic balls for the body so I had to find a ball shape that kept the relationship. In the fruit basket was a very dried up lemon that I think will be about right. I made several attempts trying out different sized beads and colors of white but by late evening had decided that the double wall method as done for the pumpkin would be the best again. If you look closely you can see that the inner layer of beads are 8s and the outer layer at the top is made of 11s.
It is so nice to get a whiff of lemon when the needle accidentally pokes too deep! And I can thank photoshop's automatic levels for the marvelous background. This has the grinning face I worked so hard to get on the pumpkin!
I put the marks on the lemon so I can be sure to use the black beads for coal in the right places but the piece already has a sunny nature. May the whole snowman carry it off!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Am now working on the 'bugs' for the pumpkin. I have an idea how to make the next creature, measure it exactly and yet when the bug is done, it is something else! Too big, too long and always not right. I am really getting 'bugged' by this. The more bugs I make the better the older, first ones seem. There are moments I wonder if I am reluctant to quit on this project and keep myself going when it is really done.
At least you can see here how I have covered the wires to the lights, but in the light of the scanner they do not shine. Maybe it is time to set this project aside? But, I whine, I have enjoyed it so much!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yet today I am in a blur of exhaustion from the show, but it is a happy tiredness! We got so many compliments saying this was one of Gualala Arts better shows, that we could begin to believe it. The show is tight to its theme - dolls used to carry art statements - but the results are so varied and the works are new and unusual. Love how the shadow of the hand points to Shannon Shaea's doll with the video tummy.
No matter how tired I have been, the most pleasurable thing for me to do has been to bead on the pumpkin vines until my eyes close. A couple more leaves and I will be done with that one. I got the LED lights but they were too bright. As I was leaving the opening Art Dryer and I were discussing the problem and his wife Penny suggested I paint on them to darken them. I felt that as I walked away from one show I was already entering the work of the next project.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The dolly lives! We got her up on Tuesday. To my surprise she stretched to be just the size I wanted her to be. There is only about a foot and a half between her head and the ceiling beam. Also the pull of gravity smoothed out the stuffing in the legs and body just like I had hoped.

Here is Sus adjusting the lights on her. Today Nanette comes to install the rest of the show and I am nervously awaiting that next action.
Oh some statistics. Dolly is crocheted using left over wool yarn from carpet making by Hansine. I only had this much and used up all I had. She is stuffed with brown kraft paper. Her feet are 24 inches long and I think her total height is about 12 - 13 feet.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Yesterday I got Dolly's head on her shoulders and added the black straw hat. I finally decided that I had to see how she hangs and suspended a line from the upstairs down through a heating duct. It was good as it gives me a chance to figure out where to put her arms/hands. Because the arms are so thin I think I will close up her hug a bit by placing the arms straight out from the body and only slightly separated.
We now plan to install her on Tuesday instead of Wednesday so hopefully a better photo of her can be here by then.
As a way to stop myself from wanting to tear her apart and make 1000 changes, I worked on the black cat. It seems to be even better than what I imagined. It is not often that happens. Today I hope to make the ghost mouse [realized only this morning that I can put a light in it!] today [after I rest from packing Dolly for transport] and then I can show you the whole thing tomorrow. Oops, I will out hanging Dolly tomorrow. Wish me luck. This part is the hardest on the old nerves.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

In spite of having this all over my floor, I find I have to quit working on her to rest my twisted knee and that means I pull a bead tray on to my lap. I have the cat, to go with the pumpkin, about half done and am so eager to show it to you, but it needs a couple more days.
Today I have to attach the head to the dolly and then I can return to beading with a vengeance!