Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Went by The Dolphin and was able to fluff up the old bird and add some pieces to fill the holes where things had sold. The poor old bird's head was drooping as if he had lost a battle with Christmas shoppers. I really need to attach him to the ceiling. I thought that opening his neck and adding the wooden stick would do it, but he needs more help with his droop.

I took my turn gallery sitting at Point Arena on both Saturday and Sunday and was able to get a daytime shot of the 'wall'. Many people were already wearing my pieces. What a thrill! and so many came by and bought new pieces.

Next weekend the merchants of Point Arena are having a special called "Hometown Point Arena" to celebrate the town. For this event I am offering everything on the display for $10 each. One dear person, who knew of the coming sale, still shopped in order to buy at the present prices. What a sweetheart you are L.